"you need to swim the moat if you want to get to the castle."
I love movie previews. There's a sense of anticipation of the future in watching them. When I went to see Eclipse I saw the trailer for a movie that I'm sure will touch me. Eat Pray Love, which not surprisingly was a book before it was a major motion picture, is come to theaters in August. I can't wait for it to come out. While I think it preaches elements of Buddhism, the message in general, is beautiful. I'm buying the book today!
The premise of the story is a woman lost, missing from her own life who finds herself through food, prayer, and love. She travels to Italy, India, and ends her year in Bali, in a journey to the center of her life, to discovering who she really is--what is in the core of her soul. How beautiful.
r i s k e v e r y t h i n g
l e t y o u r s e l f g o
*have a relationship with your food. Today, for lunch, I had my favorite guacamole, lime chips, and a tuna sandwich + peach!! It was physically filling. And, I'm baking cookies later to bring with me to Long Island tomorrow =)
The author of Eat Pray Love explained that you "need to find a tiny little corner of your life where you can begin to ask yourself those burning essential questions of your life. Who am I? Where am I going? What am I here for?"
*I snuggled with my dogs this morning for an extra half hour in bed. It filled my heart.
"You don't need a man, baby, you need a champion."
I am s t r o n g e r !
my h o p e
my f a i t h
my t r u t h
my c o u r a g e
this is going to be a good life. I promise.
Love Always,
Amanda... I read this and comment with tear filled eyes...
Eating, no problem... just need to slow down and Eat like the French women do...
Pray... my chocolate for the soul...
what I reach for instead of anything else when "I'm thirsty & hungry"
Love ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ everyone more selflessly and unconditonally
{my moment of self reflection}
I love you ♥
I've heard of "eat, Pray, LOve".Just can't remember where! I should go check out the book it sounds good as does your lunch, I'm starving!!! Love Di ♥
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- Lucas
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